Sunday, June 14, 2009

Update 3/30/08

I have had a few people email me to see if I have heard from Gabe. I haven't he must still be hiding in Cedar Hills.

There is a new complaint filed against Gabe, Rick, Brandon & Annuit Copetis. The plaintiffs are a couple out of Colorado that gave Gabe all of their retirement money. This makes me sick thinking about this couple working their whole life to lose it all to Gabe & Rick. If you haven't seen or heard about this lawsuit please take the time to read through the filing.

If you know what Gabe's new business venture is please let me know. I'm not sure why he thinks that it's okay for him to use investor money to build a new business. If you have enough money to start a new business pay your investors back.

I have been bombarded with emails and comments but I'm trying to get back to everyone as quickly as possible.

I have heard that the Utah State Division of Securities has halted their investigation. My understanding is that Mark Shurtleff has asked for a committee to probe the department. I have also heard that they are claiming that there is corruption in the department. I have also heard that Rick is an acquaintance of Mark Shurtleff. This is a real blow to all of us that has invested money into "downlines". This will give them more time to hide and spend our money.

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